Saturday, February 14, 2015


Dear god,

It's exactly 9.30pm. He has two and a half hours to write to me, my last ultimatum before I give up on all the effort I've invested in trying to make things work. If he doesn't write to me today, and if he's gone online, that's it. He's already fulfilled the second condition. I'm just waiting on number one.

Maybe this is a learning experience from you to me. If so, I'll embrace it. I'm not afraid anymore. I've already cried in bed once, thinking everything was over. I can do it again and then never look back. I deserve better.

He replied at 10. Why have you introduced him into my life? His presence pries open the cracks of my inhibitions. Do I follow him into ether or is this a test of resolution against whispering temptations?

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