Monday, April 19, 2010

22, not 20.

I've always expected that change would come on special occasions. I have no idea why I've never questioned it. Like, my 20th birthday, 20, what a nice round number, maybe I'll lose those pounds. Or by Jan 1st, I'll have quit that vice. Something like that. Basically I just expected something awesome to happen to me. Waiting. Waiting for something to wake my life out of its dormant state. Man, this feels ridiculous to type.

One day, ironically like any other, I realized, why wait. Why not take charge of my own life. Why hesitate. Why not just do it. I'm in my immortal twenties but I feel like I'm living my golden years. Where is the spontaneity? joie de vivre? Then I decided I would rather live with anything else other than regret.

So this year has been spent fulfilling things from the "I've always wanted to..." list. Or the "Why don't I just..." list. Or the "Just do it, stop giving excuses" list. Just me writing a Yes Man monologue or something. Ha ha.

Henceforth begins the chronicling of my life, doing what I've always wanted to do.