Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Sometimes, when I feel like the threads that bind my world together are about to come loose, when I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, when I'm afraid that my dreams and goals might be inaccesible in this lifetime, when everything generally seems to be in pieces, I go for a run.

When I run, I think about the people who live with a smaller slice of hope than I've been cut.

When I run, I think about the people who have lost more than I can ever imagine losing but still manage to achieve more than I can ever imagine achieving in this lifetime.

When I run, I think about the people who have given themselves up for others, for a cause that is bigger than me, bigger than you, bigger than us.

When I'm done, I come home. And then I soldier on. 'Cos somehow, things don't seem so hard anymore.

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