There aren't that many things in this world that I don't like, but what I love the most is coffee on a monday morning, when it's sunny, biking with no destination in mind, travelling without moving, travelling and hiking 20km a day, seeing the enthusiasm when someone talks about their goals and passions, strangers who help you expecting nothing in return, a damned good movie that screws with your mind, an awesome song you play over and over again until it becomes some sort of mantra, connections, open minds, art with a message, someone who can relate to my odd sense of humor. As they say, those who laugh together, stay together.
That being said, I rap in Spanish when I'm making dinner, I bike until my muscles ache, I paint with my fingers, my best travel stories involve countries off the beaten path, and I'm a dreamer. But maybe we all are?
Oh, and I like reading articles containing information so obscure it only serves to accumulate odd stares when I share what I've learned. Take today for example. My coworker remarked that he should commit sepukku (Japanese ritual suicide) to "restore his honor" because he messed up. I then proceeded to say that he should make sure to fall forward, because falling backwards would still mean dishonor. He stared. And I laughed. See how odd my sense of humor is?
(Photo by Guillermo Casas Baruque, cguille on flickr)
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